Friday, January 28, 2011

Week 02 Character Ideation

Volume Shapes

Another idea for the fourth character in this story, which I thought up a couple nights ago was a Jinni. Doing some research, I learned that they're nothing like what Disney made out Genie to be. In fact, I couldn't find anything on where the three wishes came from. Supposedly, they're supposed to be another race of beings, creating a trinity between humans, angels. Supposedly, like how humans were made from clay (biblically speaking), they were constructed from smokeless fire by God, and they live in a parallel world, where we can't really see them, and they can't really see us.
I read something neat about someone who was skeptical on magic said that it's the jinn who make things move when a magician appears to be doing a magic trick, and it's a jinni who tells the fortune tellers secrets.

Anyways, I thought a jinni would make an interesting character in a story having to do with magic.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Welcome to Nightmare Sherbert

Concept for Advanced 3D Animation

To be modeled, and animated. Though it's just a town, I will have small moving details, while the main animation is just a camera in-out scene, showing off the main portion of the town.

For the actual camera fly through animation of the town, I was thinking something similar to what was done in the ending video of Super Mario 64 - rather, I would like to take some elements that they used.

2:37-2:47 I like how the camera switches view from the original target, Mario at a high angle to a low angle looking up at the sun, while birds fly through from the bottom right corner, towards the sun; though I would use bats and the moon instead.

Though I think it would be cooler of I took this concept, and reversed it like this:
I'll keep the moon in the same upper-left corner of the frame, and I'll have bats fly down across it, towards the town. The camera will follow them and zoom into the town's entrance.

2:55 Something that I like, which they did a lot in this ending video too is that they'll start of a new scene by having the camera concentrate on a single detail - in the case of 2:55, the detail is the red coin on the ramp. Then they zoom out from there, and rotate the camera around the game level, showing it off, and stopping on an area with a nice composition, like in this same scene where they stop at mario looking away from the top of the tower (3:00)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Week 01 - Character Ideation

40 silhouettes
Click on the images for the full size.


Personification of magical/technological force:

What you see above are different ideas for the 4 specific characters I derived from The Sorcerer's Apprentice; an old fairy tale poem by Goethe, which I chose to use for my assignment. Most are probably familiar with Disney's version in the movie Fantasia. It's pretty much the same story.

The ideas I came up with can take place in different eras, worlds, universes. Some are more traditional; robed figure with a pointy hat. Another is more modern day; an idea revolving around science and technology instead of magic. Meanwhile, some other ideas are really out there, and instead of your traditional human, I used creature designs. Some are sort of demonic, while others are just alien and different from us.
I don't think I'll end up taking the odd route, but I definitely wanted to explore it.
Lastly, the character I would like to spotlight for this week is Prince of Persia, The Prince

Sadly, I couldn't find any character sheets, and the official site seems to be down. Very unfortunate. I never played the game either so I don't know too much about him except for some bits of game play style fun. I should buy this...
When I first saw the character in a TV commercial, I fell in love with the design. I especially love red and blue bandanna, and the claw.

Much fun to be had.

Wont hurt to spotlight this either:

Flynn Rider from Tangled. Drawings by Glen Keane.